Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to change hostid for solaris X86 system

change hostid for solaris X86 system:

Step 1:take the backup of current hostid

echo `hostid` > /etc/hostid_bkp

Step2: Change the new hostid hex value in decimal.


exp : 1dd01266

5001 7546 2

Step 3: Change decimal string in to ascii/hexa


exp :

35 30 30 31

37 35 34 36

32 00 0

Step 4: Run below command

exp : echo "hw_serial/v 35 30 30 31 37 35 34 36 32 00 0"  | mdb –kw

Step 4:

Add above command in /etc/rc2.d/S20sysetup

Step 5: Reboot the server