Solaris zones stuck in shutting down state or zonadm status
is showing in Down status or stuck in umounting file system.
Error: zoneadmd is not able to start.
1: Go in global zone and check zone state and run ps
-ef | grep "zonename" , try to kill process id of hanged process and
2: umount -f "zone mount point name" exp :
zone1 is installaed on /zone1 mount point run umount -f /zone1
3:Again kill all process whcich are showing in ps -ef | grep
4: Run fsck on local zone path mount point
5: Mount and reboot the zone
6: Edit /etc/vfstab and comment faulted mount point
7: Again Reboot the zone and mount filesystm on another
mount point.
Good one Sir. You are the champ.
Thanks Payal