Monday, April 1, 2013

zoneadmd is not able to start.

Solaris zones stuck in shutting down state or zonadm status is showing  in Down status or stuck in umounting file system.



Error: zoneadmd is not able to start.



1: Go in global zone and check zone state and  run ps -ef | grep "zonename" , try to kill process id of hanged process and zoneadmd.


2: umount -f "zone mount point name"  exp : zone1 is installaed on /zone1 mount point run umount -f /zone1


3:Again kill all process whcich are showing in ps -ef | grep "zonename"


4: Run fsck on local zone path mount point


5: Mount and reboot the zone


6: Edit /etc/vfstab and comment faulted mount point


7: Again Reboot the zone and mount filesystm on another mount point.